CMMI Consultants providing process consulting worldwide

CMMI Consulting / CMMI Consultant Policy

CMMI Consulting means guidance by CMMI Consultants for implementation of 22 process areas of CMMI, which is a structured collection of best practices in the area of software and system design and development.

CMMI Consulting is provided by CMMI Consultants who are Subject Matter Experts and have years of experience in Quality Framework Implementations like CMMI, ISO, Agile etc.

CMMI Consulting is not essentially management system consulting to the extent that it does not cover design of a management system but emphasizes on use of best practices in Software and System design and development.

For an organizational change, all elements are required for success and change – vision, skills, incentives, resources and action planning. CMMI Consultants acts as catalyst act as catalysts to the organizational change process so that all the success elements are present and organizational change is a reality.

Six Essential Elements of Organizational Change – Inputs for CMMI Process Model Implementation

Process Consulting delivery Life-Cycle Model

  • Prioritizing and Organizational Focus
  • Planning and Process Baselining
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Capability Assessment

CMMI and Process Consulting Life-Cycle Model is following the sequence which can be iterative also:

Service Delivery Differentiator

Below we describe how our CMMI Consultants work and execute different CMMI Consulting activities:

  • Approach of De-Mystification
  • Solution Oriented Approach
  • Building Strength into Processes
  • Teaming Up
  • The effect of missing element

Approach of De-Mystification: The art of simplifying:

CMMI and Process consulting is unique in respect of the approach. The CMMI and Process consulting approach is to de-mystify issues and dissect the complexity. The art of genius lies in making things simple. And so what you get out of CMMI and Process consulting is a highly focused, solution-oriented approach.

Solution Oriented Approach: Eagle’s eye towards Solution:

CMMI Consultants integrate the solution-oriented approach with subject matter expertise in the areas of significant industries like finance, insurance, aerospace, defense, manufacturing, services and federal institutions and many others.

In this manner, by utilizing services of CMMI Consultants, you can navigate your way through fluctuations of market, constant changes of environment and completely unpredictable behavioral patterns that characterize today’s business world.

Building Strength into Processes: Reliability of Products and Services:

The reliability of your service and products is a direct function of the vigor and vitality of underlying processes and people. A loss of quality in your product or service can have significant negative effects on the entire business. The need of the hour is the availability of an end to end quality solution that addresses all the process needs of an organization and ensures maximum Return on Investment with a very high level of confidence in the reliability of services and products.

CMMI Consultants seriously attempts to give strength and robustness to your processes with a repeatability that emerges out of leanness and efficiency of processes.

CMMI Consultants for Worldwide Service Delivery

DQS Certification India Private Limited is the authorized Transition Partner of SEI to provide CMMI Process Consulting services by worldwide through its highly qualified CMMI Consultants in USA, India and other Countries all over the world. Please refer to following disclaimer with respect to the provision of CMMI Process Consulting:

Teaming Up: Strength of Unity:


CMMI and Process Consulting Team works with your team in tandem to create cohesive energy to fulfill your organizational objectives and business objectives. The in-depth experience of CMMI and Process Consulting team helps you in crossing over all major hurdles of cultural resistance while initiating change in your organization.

Read more about CMMI Consultant and CMMI Consultants.

Disclaimer: The CMMI Consulting services are provided by a separate legal entity (DQSITC) in order to have full compliance to ISO 17021 and SEI Conflict of Interest Policy. The separate legal entity (DQSITC) does not provide CMMI Assessment Services and will only provide CMMI Consulting Services.
CMMI Consultants from DQSITC are not allowed to carry out CMMI Assessment or ISO 9001 or similar assessments which are controlled by ISO 17021 and SEI Conflict of Interest Policy. On the other hand, DQS Certification India’s CMMI Assessors and Management System Auditors (like for ISO 9001, 14001) are not allowed to carry out CMMI Consulting. Conflict of Interest Management and Impartiality Policy.