An appeal is a process for requesting a formal change to an official decision. An appeal is a request to reconsider a decision made by DQS Certification India and it may be related to certification status. Appeal can be filed by any client to DQS Certification India.
Appeal can be filed due to the following reasons:
- Application rejection
- Rejection of conducting audit
- Response on Corrective action requests
- Certification scope modification
- Reconsideration of suspend or withdrawal certification
- Any other reason that may delay certification process
Steps for Appeal process are as follows:
Any objections rose by client organization for any decision or conduct of DQS Certification shall be considered as appeal.
Process for appeal handling is explained in DQS Certification’s General Business Terms & Conditions provided to client.
All appeals from client organization shall be directly received by Apex Management. On receipt of Appeal Apex Management shall record the appeal in Appeal Log and shall acknowledge the receipt of appeal to the client.
Apex Management ensures that no discriminatory action is taken against appellant by reviewing activities of DQS Certification related to appellant at personal level whenever assessments & certification decisions takes place for that client.
The Apex Management reviews the appeal, examines the records and interviews both DQS Certification personnel and appellant, as necessary, in attempting to discover the validity of the claims made and reach an agreement. Whenever appeal is related to Apex Management, matter would be referred directly to Board of Arbitration.
Where agreement with the appellant cannot be reached, the matter is referred to Board of Arbitration.
The Board of Arbitration consists of two members of DQS Certification, not directly involved in the decision under appeal, appointed by the Apex Management, together with the Advisory Council member associated with the industry sector in question, or other mutually acceptable independent party. In case appeal is related to Apex Management, then constitution of Board would be solely done by Advisory Council Member.
The appellant is invited to the arbitration meeting and either party may be supported by legal council or other advisors.
The appellant has the right to state objections to the constitution of the Board of Arbitration. The appellants’ reasons for lodging objections will be considered by the Apex Management who will decide whether or not to accept them and amend the constitution accordingly.
Time scales for completion of the appeals process are largely dependent on the nature of the appeal. The Apex Management is responsible for defining a time scale for completion on receipt of the appeal and informing all concerned.
Appeals shall be heard within 30 days of being logged.
Unanimous agreement is required by the Board of Arbitration to reverse the decision under appeal. The decision of the Board of Arbitration is binding on the DQS Certification.
The appellant shall be informed of the Board of Arbitration decision in writing within 48 hours of the final decision. Appeal Log shall also be updated with the closure action remarks.
Based on the panel decision, corrective and preventive actions are taken by appropriate functional heads by using Corrective & Preventive Action Report.
Overall Responsibility:
It is the responsibility of the Associate Director to administer and operate the appeal system. In the Apex Management’s absence, the Manager – Registration Services is delegated responsibility.
Alternatively you can also send your appeals through email to :