DQS Certification rules on the use of the DQS Certification and certificate symbols
Information for DQS Certification customers with examples of use –
DQS Certification certificates and the associated proprietary certificate symbols are recognized and highly esteemed throughout the world. The use of these symbols presupposes the validity of the respective certificates. Our auditors are happy to assist you, review your use of the symbols when performing audits and, where appropriate, agree any corrective action with you.
The DQS Certification certificate symbol and the Accreditation Board certificate symbol:
![]() |
![]() Logo Accreditation Board |
Note: DQS Certification India provides Accredited Certification as licensee of AFAQ EAQA, AFNOR (UKAS Accreditation and COFRAC Accreditation). In case of accredited certification, the Certificate is issued by AFAQ EAQA, AFNOR. There is no logo of DQS Certification India on the accredited Certificate issued by AFAQ-EAQA, AFNOR. DQS Certification India is not accredited and can provide non-accredited certificates.
You can use these visible tokens of successful certification in many different ways: on company documents and brochures, for example, or on vehicles and other advertising media. Please note, however, that these symbols must always be displayed in conjunction with the name of your company.
You must also include in immediate proximity to the DQS Certification certificate symbol the standard on which certification was based (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001).
If your certificate does not apply to the whole of your organisation, you are requested to indicate the restricted scope for which it is valid.
Placing the registration number of your certificate next to the symbol is recommended, but not obligatory.
The symbols are not to be used for marking individual products since DQS Certification, as a recognised certification body, must ensure that the use of its symbols does not create the impression that a product has been certified. Also laboratory test, calibration or inspection reports, as such any reports are deemed to be products in this context.
You are required to inform DQS Certification and seek further guidance regarding usage of certification mark in case of any change in status of certification (ie; scope extension, reduction, suspension, withdrawal, cancellation etc.).
Discontinue using the certification mark upon suspension or withdrawal of certification.
Amend all advertising matter when the scope of certification has been reduced.
In case of a certified quality management system and/or environmental management system, a statement may be made in the form of a complete sentence on the product designation or product packaging to the effect that the products concerned originate from a company whose management system has been certified by DQS Certification. Example: “This product was produced under a management system certified by DQS Certification against ISO 9001 and ISO 14001)”. Instead of “produced”, this statement may, where appropriate, read “packaged” or “delivered”.
You may use the Accreditation Board symbol in conjunction with the DQS Certification-certificate symbol, but not without it, provided you hold DQS Certification certificate for certification against ISO 9001 and/or ISO 14001.
You will be supplied with a reproducible copy of the respective symbol on request through e-mail. No changes are to be made to the form, colour of the symbol. The accompanying text should be clearly legible.
General information
The DQS Certification-certificate, issued by DQS Certification in confirmation of conformity may only be used on condition that they are valid.
If your company has a web site, we recommend that you exploit this possibility of using the means referred to above in order to inform those visiting your site of your successful certification by DQS Certification. To substantiate the validity of your certificate and for your own legal security, we also recommend your adding a link to the customer database on the DQS Certification-home page: https://www.dqsindia.com.
Control on logo usage
DQS Certification exercises proper control on the use of its management system (QMS/EMS) registration documents, its own registration mark and the Accreditation Board accreditation mark. Incorrect references to the registration systems or misleading use of registration documents or marks found in advertisements, catalogues, etc. will be addressed by DQS Certification by suitable actions as follows:
- A letter would be sent to the concerned party by the Head (MD) of DQS Certification for making the necessary remedial action within a notice period of two weeks.
- If the remedial is not taken by the concerned party as specified in the afore-mentioned letter within the stipulated time period, then a legal notice will be sent to the concerned party. If the concerned party is a client, then the certificate suspension/withdrawal proceedings will be initiated as per Pro 10 of DQS Certification.
- If the concerned party still remains defaulting, appropriate and effective legal action will be taken as per the law of the land commensurate with the magnitude of the default by the concerned party.
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